суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

chris hoar

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The other day I had owled Connor, letting him know that Padma and I were going to India. I didn#39;t tell him the reason why, just that we were going and would be back on Sunday.. Probably late. Padma had decided to go the dance studio to do some dancing before we left on the flight she was able to arrange.

He stopped by earlier, after he was done a day of work with Lisa, and I had already finished packing for our mini trip. Right now, we#39;re both currently on the couch, watching a movie. Roman Holiday, one of the concessions I make for coloured movies, because it#39;s Audrey Hepburn.

"So you#39;re going for just the day?" Connor asks.

"Can#39;t stay too long there," I say absently, my head on his shoulder, and curled up against him as I watch Hepburn and Gregory Peck. "Flight is long enough as is going there and coming back, and we have to start training on Monday for the job we have."

"You couldn#39;t get a portkey?" he lets his head rest on mine.

"Plane ticket was actually cheaper, according to Padma," I murmur, threading my fingers through one of his hands. "Portkeys to India lately have been expensive."

"You#39;re crazy then," he teases, kissing the top of my head before resting his on mine again.

"Thought you knew that," I counter back with a smile. "And why crazy this time?"

"I don#39;t know anyone else who would take a weekend trip to India," he answers.

"Special occasion," I murmur, then tense as I know the scene that comes up. The one where Gregory Peck puts his hand in a marble statue.. Supposedly liars get their hand taken... I know nothing happens, but when he does his yell I still jump slightly.

Connor chuckles at this. "And how many times have you seen this?"

I lightly thump his chest. "Enough."

"I think a lot of people would get their hands taken in present day," he comments.

I shrug. "If it was true." I curl my legs under me, and he wraps his arm around me.

"So what is the special occasion in India?" he asks.

"Visiting our parents," I say softly, keeping my eyes on the television.

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