понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

floating dollar magic trick

I was invited saturday to go to virginia with my aunt and grandma and my cousin chelsea.� I was so�excited.� My cousin lives in va beach.� shes 15.� We were on our way up there and laughing, talking ,and having a good time when suddenly a drunk driver coming at us hit my aunt head on.� She was driving and my grandma was next to her.� Both were killed and my cousin sitting next to me is now in the hospital.� My cousins paretns calls the cops on me accusing me of killing my aunt and grandma out of anger.� I explained to the cop when he came to my house how my cousin has anger problems.� The cop kept shrugging his shoulders.� He gave me�my court date�the day before thanksgiving.� If i didnapos;t attend court I�would be in jail.� Iapos;m probably going considered guilty and given community service for nothing.� My aunt and i�were talking when the drunk driver hit her.� she was watching me and then looked to see the oncoming saturn hit her head on.� I�will miss my aunt terribly.� My aunt was a very healthy� person with love for her family.� She always showed gratitude for her family and was true to her family.� My grandma was a strong person to live to 90 years old.� I hate that my cousin would want to blame me for something i didnapos;t even do.� He needs help.� Definately some therapy.� it was a horror accident.� Lukily i didnapos;t get hurt.� Iapos;m forbidden to go to funurel.� what a fucked up day.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

coldwater creek catelog

Yes, yesterday like 12+ Iapos;ve got new idea/content to blog about cause I said something which I find it like the same, Wy said why use livejournal? Itapos;s difficult to use. Uh I said the appearance doesnapos;t matter, what matters are the contents. I dont know seriously, last time I used to care about the skin, templates and all now it doesnapos;t matter . Inner beauty is a need, appearance is a want.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

chris hoar

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup (apos;apos;) in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

The other day I had owled Connor, letting him know that Padma and I were going to India. I didn#39;t tell him the reason why, just that we were going and would be back on Sunday.. Probably late. Padma had decided to go the dance studio to do some dancing before we left on the flight she was able to arrange.

He stopped by earlier, after he was done a day of work with Lisa, and I had already finished packing for our mini trip. Right now, we#39;re both currently on the couch, watching a movie. Roman Holiday, one of the concessions I make for coloured movies, because it#39;s Audrey Hepburn.

"So you#39;re going for just the day?" Connor asks.

"Can#39;t stay too long there," I say absently, my head on his shoulder, and curled up against him as I watch Hepburn and Gregory Peck. "Flight is long enough as is going there and coming back, and we have to start training on Monday for the job we have."

"You couldn#39;t get a portkey?" he lets his head rest on mine.

"Plane ticket was actually cheaper, according to Padma," I murmur, threading my fingers through one of his hands. "Portkeys to India lately have been expensive."

"You#39;re crazy then," he teases, kissing the top of my head before resting his on mine again.

"Thought you knew that," I counter back with a smile. "And why crazy this time?"

"I don#39;t know anyone else who would take a weekend trip to India," he answers.

"Special occasion," I murmur, then tense as I know the scene that comes up. The one where Gregory Peck puts his hand in a marble statue.. Supposedly liars get their hand taken... I know nothing happens, but when he does his yell I still jump slightly.

Connor chuckles at this. "And how many times have you seen this?"

I lightly thump his chest. "Enough."

"I think a lot of people would get their hands taken in present day," he comments.

I shrug. "If it was true." I curl my legs under me, and he wraps his arm around me.

"So what is the special occasion in India?" he asks.

"Visiting our parents," I say softly, keeping my eyes on the television.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dv decks

VIA: www.slog.thestranger.com

Why Are Reporters Still Covering Palin Events?

posted by Dan Savage on October 17 at 7:42 AM

Dana Milbank at the Washington Post:

��� In cooperation with the Palin campaign, [the Secret Service has] started preventing reporters from leaving the press section to interview people in the crowd. This is a serious violation of their dutymdash;protecting the protecteemdash;and gets into assisting with the political aspirations of the candidate. It also often makes it impossible for reporters to get into the crowd to question the people who say vulgar things. So they prevent reporters from getting near the people doing the shouting, then claim itrsquo;s unfounded because the reporters canrsquo;t get close enough to identify the person.

This is crazymdash;Palin hasnrsquo;t held a single press conference, wonrsquo;t answer reportersrsquo; questions, insults the ldquo;media elitesrdquo; and ldquo;filtersrdquo; at her rallies, and her crowds have verbally attacked members of the media. And yet the media dutifully shows up at rallies and gives Palin the coverage she wants and needs, coverage that benefits the McCain/Palin campaign, and broadcasts clips of Palin delivering her stump speech. Why? Like I said on September 23hellip;

��� Maybe itrsquo;s time for the media to pull all reportersmdash;print and television, photographers and videographersmdash;off the McCain campaign. Entirely. Press coverage of a campaign is supposed to be a two-way street. The candidate wants to get his mug on television, he wants his rallies and speeches broadcast and written up, he wants to use the media to reach the voters. In exchange for allowing themselves to be used, the candidate is supposed to make himself available to reporters and anchors, answer questions, hold press conferences. The McCain campaign isnrsquo;t holding up its end of the deal. Itrsquo;s using the media to reach voters without making Palin and, increasingly, McCain available for questioning.

��� Why should the media play along? The media should pull reporters off the McCain campaign and refuse to cover rallies or speeches until McCain and Palin start holding press conferences. Period. You want to reach our viewers and readers? Start answering our questions. Donrsquo;t want to answer our questions? Wersquo;ll ignore you and your campaign.

UPDATE: More from Think Progress:

��� Constantly under the watchful eyes of security, the media wasnrsquo;t permitted to wander around inside Coachman Park to talk to Sarah Palin supporters. When reporters tried to leave the designated press area and head toward the bleachers where the crowd was seated, an escort would dart out of nowhere and confront him or her and say, ldquo;Can I help you?rdquo; and turn the person around.

��� When one reporter asked an escort, who would not give her name, why the press wasnrsquo;t allowed to mingle, she said that in the past, negative things had been written. The campaign wanted to avoid that possibility Monday.

Okay, this is nuts. First, reporters should not allowed themselves to be ldquo;turned aroundrdquo; by anonymous ldquo;escorts.rdquo; Push the fuck past lsquo;em. And if the Secret Service or other law enforcement officers get involved, push past them too. Tell them yoursquo;re going to do your job, that yoursquo;re not going to sit in a pen, and tell themmdash;Palin ldquo;escorts,rdquo; Secret Service agents abusing their authoritymdash;that if they want to stop you theyrsquo;re going to arrest you. Then instead of video of Palin delivering her moronic stump speech, Americans can watch videotape of reporters being dragged from Palin rallies in handcuffs.

Those images will appeal to some Americansmdash;particularly the Americans that show at Palin ralliesmdash;but the overwhelming majority of Americans will be horrified, and it will make more Americans aware of how deeply un-American Palin, her supporters, and her rallies all are.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

exotica beast

Hmm, it went better than I thought. Either it really wasnapos;t that tough, or I was just.. Too calm? Lol.

After the exam I brought my phone for repair and unfortunately, I am going to LOSE EVERYTHING in it )): Damn it man. Oh well, I kinda expected it and subconsciously accepted it already... But, STILL.

Itapos;s depressing.

I havenapos;t even finish copying all the important texts down.


Oh well.

Even if not in detail, there are still some things - some emotions, some words, some scenes, some people, some incidents..
that I will always remember.
Forever in my heart.

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I currently have 3 patients, 2 of them are delirious and trying to climb out of bed and such. They are both in the same room, so that we could just get 1 patient care aid (PCA) in to watch them 1:2 overnight, as both of them have fallen out of bed (ie climbed OVER the side rails) within the past 24 hours.

Except that I just had to wake my PCA up. Seriously, get some coping strategies to get through the night, donapos;t sit in a dark, quiet room and then wonder why you canapos;t keep your eyes open. Get a frickin book, drink copious amounts of coffee, whatever, but damnit, I NEED YOU TO STAY AWAKE. One of my patients even has TV hooked up, so turn that on if you need to, but YOU NEED TO NOT BE SLEEPING WHEN MY PATIENTS ARE TRYING TO CLIMB OUT OF BED.


And now I have to report her, because itapos;s a huge issue of patient safety. Arg

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corixa bexxar

We left here just after 11, picked up two prescriptions at my docs, and then on down to Silverdale to meet some old friends at Red Mobster. The old friends, are, actually, online people weapos;ve known for years, old (like us old), and have only met previously one time. I wasnapos;t crazy about them then, either.

This time I couldnapos;t hear what was going on, as the one near me mumbled and did not project her voice at all, and it was very noisy in the restaurant, plus Robyn and the other one were chatting nonstop. THe ohter one did project her voice. I think sheapos;s a teacher.

The food was not in the top hundred meals Iapos;ve had there. After 2 1/2 hours I ended my misery - no, not choking on a cold fried clam, just announcing it was time to go potty (and then the rest of you can get the hell away from me) well, not quite, but more abruptly than would have been polite had I had any capability of being polite for a minute longer.

Theyapos;re very nice people, but since the one near me had been rocking back and forth and not speaking for half an hour, I figured there were at least two of rest ready to get out of Dodge.

As we left one of the live lobsters almost made a getaway over the top of the tank. How symbolic.

When we got to the base pharmacy I asked Robyn if she minded if I waited in the car and she said no, but meant yes, though I didnapos;t know that, until an hour later when she came out.

Then we went back towards home to the other base for vegetables and crap, and I got to hit up Starbucks in the Exchange. Met Robyn back at the car with her five bags of groceries (I hope she remembered the veggies) and headed for home.

After an early and light supper R will be watching the presidential debate and I will be finding another room, preferably soundproof, to hide out in.

Excuse me now I want to go to my elderTG email group and stamp out a fire, some of the combatants, I mean, members, are feuding.

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